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Album Review Tangled


by Louise Moulin


Tangled is the 10th album from musician, vocalist, and lyricist Kerensa Stephens and the first collaboration with esteemed musician, producer, Tony Modi.


Tangled is a gift from generous souls.


Tony Modi and Kerensa Stephens give of themselves in this album, not only their talent but also their human and spiritual experience. That is why this album is so special. The creators have plugged into a higher vibe and presented the findings to us the listeners through the alchemy of songs. Tony Modi’s exquisite orchestral introduction for the title track, Tangled, rouses the listener to stillness, that tipping point in life where you feel something is about to happen, to change, to transform.


It is highly likely Tony Modi is touched by genius, certainly by the muse for the music on Tangled is divinely inspired and translates as inspiration. I got the idea if he could only make music with cow-bells it would still sound magnificent.


The lyrics on Tangled penned by Kerensa Stephens impart the wisdom of a poetess who, with one foot on soil and one foot in mystical waters, sings of the chaos and synchronicity in which we mortals dwell. “Don’t throw the dice away. See what it said. See what it had to say.”


Like all art spawned from the heart, this album has the ability to enhance the mood of the listener, resonating with the ghost in the machine, and yet shift the emotions too towards insight, towards the deeper meaning. And while the music moves through the body to unlock and release - the lyrics somehow - earthy, lyrical and practical - speak to the mind about the soul “Sing the sorrow so it is not there tomorrow.”


The next three songs Slow, Escape, and Wonderful Journey are like seeing the world from the moon helping us stand back and reflect the times in which we live. Tony Modi’s music made for perfect symphony with Kerensa Stephens’s voice and words which speak of the microcosm and the macrocosm resonating our melancholy hearts.


There is something glamorous and other worldly about Kerensa’s presence and voice. She should be singing in a New York nightclub. She has the rare ability to convey through whispered words, husky vocals, and chakra spinning goddess notes – the ordinary and the profound. The warm tone of Tangled is like listening to a dear friend who has the magnetism of a prophetess urging you to employ ordinary courage, to stay grounded and to stay true.


Many listeners will feel gratitude for the collaboration of Tony Modi and Kerensa Stephens. They are number tens who having met the boundaries, have gone beyond. .


Tangled is an album to do life to – dance, make love, bathe, peel the potatoes, drive.


I’m not sure even they know how good this album is.



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